Carving a Path for Successful Creative Collaboration as an Empath

creative collaboration, empath, listening


Creative collaboration is always fun at the start of a project. Ideas are sparking. The energy feels light and fizzy. Connections between the “big picture” and personal intentions are shifting into alignment and it all feels right.


Then come the dirty details of creative collaboration. Finding time. Assigning responsibilities, tasks and schedules. Showing up and completing things on a timeline.


This point in the process is where something really important happens. You show up as your real self – as the human behind the polished exterior, proof-read bio and awesome website – the “you” that needs to deliver.


It’s also the point where empaths really tune into the true group dynamic, trying to get a sense “if” a creative collaboration can work and how to manage the energy expressed through the group connection. Why is this important? As highly sensitive people, empaths can deeply perceive emotions in others and feel what they feel – which means they need to make very mindful choices about work commitments and relationships.


creative collaboration, pushing to the finish line, snail


Just Pushing Through is Not the Best Option for an Empath


Due to the fact empaths are sensitive to feeling the energy of others all the time, it can sometimes overpower their ability to stay clear about their own needs and desires, or decipher if the emotions they feel are actually their own. This is why when collaborating with an empath it’s important to give them time to process ideas and suggestions. Sometimes they can do that immediately, other times they need to step away and feel into a solution or next step.


Empaths also need to take more time between tasks and take charge of their own time. Tight deadlines or pushing through things consistently can throw them off balance, especially if there’s no time built in to take space and replenish energy. Open ended deadlines or commitments with unclear responsibilities are also difficult for empaths who carefully plan their time and workload to stay centered.


People come together to collaborate because they enjoy similar topics, but when the “roadwork” of tasks and deadlines kick-in, an empath can sense the pressure everyone feels – all at once. If they feel something is off, sticky and uncomfortable and it doesn’t smooth out naturally, an empath can easily take on the dischord as their responsibility to fix.


This is why an empath can’t just push through a challenge they don’t understand – they need to have time and space to get clear on what they are feeling and find the best course of action for themselves in that moment – or easily get burned out.


creative collaboration, entrepreneur, empath


Being an Entrepreneur and an Empath


I’m an entrepreneur and an empath. I’ve only come to understand that I’m empathic during the last three years, finally realizing it’s my natural approach to being in the world. So…I’ve had a lot of “trial by fire” lessons that burned me out. I took on too much, overloaded my nervous system and was often carrying around emotional burdens that were not my own.


Now I think very carefully and feel into an experience or idea before I commit, ask lots of questions and do my best to make mindful choices about where I spend my time. I also love the amazing and intense feeling I experience when everything is in alignment for me.


My experience as an empath, intuitive and entrepreneur has shown me what I need to flourish in a creative collaboration without taking on the fears and frustrations of other group members. It’s also helped me draw the line regarding demands on my time and energy through daily mindful awareness.


In hindsight, my empathic ability is why I chose to be an entrepreneur without realizing it. The option to manage my own time and interactions with people and pave my own way sounded appealing because I could get the alone time I needed on a regular basis – not just when the work day was over.


Yes, as an entrepreneur I work extremely hard – harder than I would as an employee I must admit – but I’ve also stepped into the power of choice. It’s allowed me to be more of who I am and own it in all areas of my life, practicing into it each day.


Remember, everyone has empathic abilities, but you have a choice whether or not you want to nurture and expand them. While it’s taken me time to settle into my gift, I’ve grown to see how it fits into to creative collaboration experience in a way that allows me to show up as my strongest self, while also supporting the gifts of others. It’s a pretty cool place to be!


Have you ever had a similar experience? Please share your story!


Or perhaps you feel you are an empath, but are unsure of how to work with your sensitivity. Are you finding it challenging to work in creative collaboration with others because of it, or does it hold you back at work? Let’s talk about some strategies in an Intuitive Reading to help you create stronger boundaries and move forward in a way that feels more empowering.

Photo credit: Matt, Tim Norris, Lee Crutchley