Allow Creative Mystery To Enchant You

creativity, creative, creative mystery, intuition, creative expression, self expression, eclipse, sun, clouds, Creative Katrina


When was the last time you felt enchanted or drawn by a sense of creative mystery, free of boundaries or rules? No plan, no specific path, just open opportunity led by curiosity?


Can you recall when you last tuned into the creative mystery within yourself; to a connection that is felt and envisioned rather than drawn out on paper into a clear outline and process?


Or, do you focus on the “practical” side of creating without inviting in the mystery of what’s possible, blocking the natural rise of inspiration and direction from your inner compass?


With access to information growing by the day, the default mode for many has shifted to “online search” in order to make more informed decisions. This approach is helpful for learning, seeing what others are doing, life saving tips, or practical matters. However, when this approach extends to all aspects of the personal creative path and self-discovery process, things often come to a halt. It’s like trying to think your way through creativity instead of embracing the ebbs, flows, and emotions of what moves you to create in the moment. 


And this is where it’s easy to get hung up or feel creatively stagnant. The flow of creative energy feels forced, planned, or inauthentic. 


Seeing and Feeling Beyond Walls and Through Self-Imposed Doors


creativity, creative mystery, intuition, ego, door, wall, feelings, creative katrina


After moving through the magical energy of the total solar eclipse, many people have been waiting for a sign, signal, or direction on what’s next. In a way, they are expecting “online search” result answers to their deepest inner questions.


How will things unfold? What “should” I be doing now? Is there something I’m missing? When will I be inspired to create something new? Am I doing this “right” or what would people think?


Yet, these questions are driven by a need to look for answers outside of yourself, to have an ego-based, validated, clear source and answer. 


Of course it feels better to act with clarity. It’s more “comfortable” to have a path to follow that’s already laid out by those before you, or by “experts”.


But these sources can’t tell you what you want or need to feel creatively fulfilled, nor can those resources be the only thing you rely on to build what will serve as a platform for your unique creative journey. The most external input can do is contribute to the creative mystery that enchants you to move forward with a curious mind and heart in new ways.


Which leaves only one real option – allowing yourself be drawn by the creative mystery of how things feel AND how you WANT them to feel.


The desire to release, “clean house” and regroup intentions, social connections, activities, career, hobbies, relationships and more is in focus right now. This energy is inviting you to listen deeply and be drawn by heartfelt motivation, without needing endless external confirmation and reassurance.


It’s also guiding you to trust what you feel in a bigger and bigger way, and let go of what’s outdated and stale. This enables the new to take shape in the darkness, building, growing, and expanding, supported by your true inner connection, and eventually coming into the light as your authentic self-expression.


See this time an invitation to create differently; to switch up the way you trust yourself and the attitude that opens up doors, instead of dismissing the opportunities behind those doors when they take a little work or imagination. Explore. Play. Open up unfamiliar creative pathways. Get in touch with the creative mystery that sits at the edge of your mind in a fuzzy haze, but is clear and present in the heart.


What’s keeping you connected to old ways of doing things or self-limiting your potential? Can you engage the energy of creative mystery to invite in a new way, and trust what you feel?


To read blog posts on similar topics, check out Perfectionism And The Creative Brick Wall and Creativity Kick-Start: Explore Your Next Creative Edge. Looking for a little one-on-one time with yours truly? Schedule an appointment for coaching or an intuitive reading. Want additional inspiration by podcast? Check out mine, Flirting With Enlightenment.