Where is the Color in Your Life?

Where is the Color in Your Life?

When people wake up in the morning, often their first thoughts are about tasks or worrying about “what-ifs.” How am I going to get through the day today? Is the commute going to suck? Are the kids going to get to school on time? Is my boss going to hassle me again? Am I going to find work today?… among several other arbitrary thoughts.

These are universal thoughts most people experience as part of living and belonging to a family and community; its part of the human experience. However, its important to be aware of how often these thoughts pop up, when, and how you feel when you have them.

Be Aware of Your Personal Mind Traps

If you notice yourself fixated on trying to control or figure out people or situations that are out of your control, or you get worried and anxious frequently, it may be time to do a little review. How do you feel at the beginning of the day vs. the middle or the end? Are you concentrating on how things are going poorly or challenging in your life instead of celebrating the little victories each day? Is each day something to be endured?

People often trap themselves in thought loops that focus on the negative and block out the simple, true color in their lives that is always there to enjoy. How about that amazing tree you walked by this morning, bursting with yellow leaves as the fall weather descends. Did you walk right by it, or actually acknowledge its golden beauty along your path? Did you notice and thank the person who politely let you cut in traffic on your way to work? Did you soak in and appreciate the adorable look on your dog’s face before heading off into your busy life?

If your day is constantly filled with rushing to meet responsibilities and thinking of the next To-Do, is there any room left for actually living and enjoying the true colors of life?

Simple Pleasures Create Big Joy

In simplicity lies true enjoyment. Its not the the stressful, overworked idea people have somehow now identified as “living.” Filling your life with tasks is not living, its surviving, and why do that when the journey and experience of life is free, amazing and truly “juicy”, sitting right in front of you in this moment? Its these moments and awarenesses, strung together like popcorn on a Christmas tree that make a colorful life.

So notice the color, add more color and share the color in your life with others. Its what transforms the human experience into a memorable, bright and heart-felt journey to be enjoyed.