Practicing Creative Closure and Coming to Peace With What Is

  In my experience, creative closure is an essential part of the creative process. It’s the part that stings, disappoints and sometimes sets us back, as much as it teaches humility, imbues us with hard won wisdom, and sets us free.   The challenge is in understanding how we come to creative closure in our mind and heart, even when saying goodbye to something feels forced or like a last resort.   As much as we want reasons and clarity why something isn’t flowing or … [Read more...]

Happy Summer Solstice

  Hello there and happy summer solstice!    I've just returned from a week long trip to Portland, OR grabbing a dose of fresh creativity, fun, and great food. Spending some quality time at the beach was such a treat - especially as a land-locked Coloradoan. While the energy of the mountains has it's own brand of peace, I truly appreciate watching the flow of the waves as they build, crest and crash, sharing a rhythmic healing unique to the ocean. I have not been to a … [Read more...]

Change Up Routines, Refresh the Spirit

  It's spring time for me here in the US, which means I'm feeling a pull - a pull to change up my routines and refresh my spirit. I see it as an opportunity to shake off the winter mindset and look at things with the eyes and heart of a beginner as I go inward to reflect on what's next.    At the same time, I use it as a chance to review my habits and see if they are still serving me in positive ways. Habits structure our day and outlook on life, after all, which makes … [Read more...]

Soul Lessons and Being Present Through Change

  When you get down to it, soul lessons drive our path forward while acting as a reflection of how well we know ourselves.    It doesn’t matter if you are a creative entrepreneur, parent, healer, 9 to 5-er, young or old. Soul lessons inspire what leads to our desires and the inner calling to understand ourselves better. They also keep us moving forward towards change, offering ample opportunities to shed things, people, beliefs, and ways of life along the way.   I think one of the most beautiful … [Read more...]

Facing, and Dismissing, the Inner and Outer Critic

I can’t put this any simpler; we all face a judgy inner critic that drones on in our mind, and an outer critic (the world) that sprinkles our eyes and ears with nonsense and comparisons. It’s what can turn our self expression into an age old battle between ego (what makes us look good to ourselves and others), and heart (what we really feel and want to express.)    This struggle is the discordant energy that shapes us as people, like wind against beautiful sandstone in the … [Read more...]

Creative Fog is Natural and Necessary to Ignite Genuine Self-Expression

  Creative fog happens to everyone sooner or later.   It can feel like a spacey, fuzzy vibe that triggers the sensation of being ungrounded or floaty. Creative fog can also make us confused about what’s important, or unclear about what we feel inspired to create.   Sometimes we get locked into this smoky, hazy space by trying to mentally push our way through. We may also unknowingly pile on harsh self-talk, self-judgment, or experience anxiety or mood swings as our … [Read more...]

Finding Your Creative Sweet Spot

  Do you know your creative sweet spot; that space where you feel free, empowered, and clear to create anything? Where all the pieces of the puzzle fit together in a way that makes you confident, and inspired to create without burning out?   If you do, keep rocking it!   For the rest of us juggling lots of interests and passion projects, the creative sweet spot moves. A lot.   At times it’s easy to find and nurture. Our vision is clear and feels on … [Read more...]

Focus Before Fire Turns Creativity into an Unstoppable Force

  There is no denying that creativity is a force that runs on passion and inspiration, two energies that can be hard to focus. Taking these two aspects and transforming them into something that can live in the 3D world is a true magical act, like turning water into wine. It's part of why our creative abilities can be so mysterious - even to ourselves!    Each project, concept, collaboration, hobby, personal connection or idea scribbled into the margins of a journal is a … [Read more...]

Patiently Nourish What is Ready to Emerge or Cycle into a New Stage

  We are on the brink of spring in the US which always sparks thoughts and excitement about what’s about to emerge in nature. The fresh sweet-smelling air, tweeting birds, budding trees and plants inspire us to do the same; to come out of our slumber and create anew.   Despite this spark of seasonal transformation, it’s important to remember that the energy of all of the seasons - winter, spring, summer and fall - resides within us and can be accessed at any time to instigate … [Read more...]

View Creative Challenges as Opportunities to Find Intuitive Solutions and Healing

  It’s inherently human to strive to solve creative challenges. The discomfort, fear, irritation and “not knowing” energy drives you to find answers to what you see as “problems.”   But what if those "problems" are the key to you understanding yourself on a deeper level, as well as the key to unlocking the creative gifts hiding on the other side? In other words, what if they aren’t problems at all, but opportunities to expand into deeper emotional … [Read more...]