Breaking Ties With Storylines You Thought You Needed to Finish

Can you tell when it’s time to start breaking ties with storylines you thought you needed to finish?  It’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately.  Like so many others, I had a creative vision and direction locked in my mind for 2020 - with an execution strategy to match. There was definitely flexibility and wiggle room to make shifts and changes on the fly, but I was not prepared for a “full stop”, prolonged break from in-person connection. I also wasn’t ready to … [Read more...]

Explore The Roots of Your Creative Evolution

  When you think about it, each day is a step in our creative evolution. Between what we learn and release, what we practice diligently and pursue with passion, the talents we celebrate and the ones we ignore, and more, there are a variety of factors to play with and combine.   Each day also offers a chance for us to step into more of what we want, feel, and wish to express, which leads to our unique path of creative evolution.   As you’ve heard a million times … [Read more...]