Balancing the Energy and Emotion of Endings and Beginnings

Being present with and navigating the energy and emotion of endings and beginnings at the same time is a tricky process.  It’s easy to fall into the pattern of creating great plans, intentions, strategies and long lists as we wrap up one year and begin another, and do it all on auto-pilot. In a way it’s a holiday tradition - finding our personal way to say goodbye to the current year and look forward to the promise of the next. But let’s be honest, 2020 has offered up a much more of … [Read more...]

Understanding the Ways We Avoid Seeing and Accepting Our Truth

There are so many ways we distract ourselves from seeing and accepting our truth. Not only do we generate ever-evolving coping mechanisms to tune out the heart’s voice while external elements high-jack our attention, we create tons of reasons to lock in habits and a way of life to maintain a level of “normal”. It’s not conscious or intentional much of the time; we just mimic what we’ve learned and build well-worn routines to stay protected from experiencing personal trauma. It’s a common … [Read more...]

Connection, Flexibility and Openness Help Create the Future You Actually Want

In some ways it goes against all of our instincts to allow connection, flexibility and openness drive the direction of your life overall. Where is the gumption? What about taking charge and stepping up? What about producing “something of value” so you can be seen as a useful member of society? And don’t forget the to-do list that helps keep you always moving forward and onto the next goal. You know - some of the hallmarks of “making something of yourself” and constantly expanding. Well, those … [Read more...]

Time to Trust Your Feelings As A Guide To Clarity and Self Mastery

  This may seem like a cliche, but it really is more important than ever to trust your feelings as a guide to clarity and self mastery.   And I’ll tell you why.   We are all going through loss, fear, growth, challenges, and set-backs in different ways. While the details of our personal experiences are unique, we have an opportunity as a global community to step into this universal slow down and actively reset how we align feelings and actions. This includes any … [Read more...]

Why Practicing Creative Discernment is Essential for Everyone

  There is an art to practicing creative discernment, or in other words, your personal ability to sense if something is in alignment with you and the deepest expression of your creative truth.   And right now you might be asking yourself, why is creative discernment important if I already create from my heart and go for what I want? You might also say, does this matter if I don’t really see myself as “creative”?   My answer is yes, it matters, and here’s the core … [Read more...]

What’s Your Biggest Obstacle to Creative Wholeness?

  Exploring the idea of creative wholeness is one of my passions as a creativity coach, intuitive, and writer. So this weekend when I selected The World card from The Wild Unknown deck to kick off my Sunday meditation, it got me thinking about the concept in a visionary way.     I blog regularly about the idea of creative wholeness in its pieces, providing insights and ways to deepen a personal creative practice or mindset.  However, I was still drawn to writing … [Read more...]

How We Unleash Natural Talents When We Get Clear On Our “No’s”

  The word “no” looks small on paper, but it’s a powerful word to express when it really means saying "yes" to something much bigger - our natural talents.   As little ones we learn about the word “no” pretty quickly. Sometimes we were doing something legitimately unsafe and needed to be redirected. Other times the word was expressed with annoyance because of the state of mind, mood, and ingrained personal fear patterns of our caregivers, making us a bit … [Read more...]

Refine Personal Filters To Access Deeper Self-Awareness and Creativity

Photo credit: CSGgloves How we manage our personal filters, or practice discernment, is a pretty important skill. Especially now. Between political shifts, media overload and a general sense of energetic imbalance in the world, it can be hard to hear our own truth - or hear it loudly enough to focus on it for more than two minutes. When it comes to times of big change in the external world, we can’t help but change, too. The influence of new triggers or the discovery of fresh information … [Read more...]

How Are You Going To Be More True To Yourself In 2017?

    Being true to yourself as you transition into the energy of a new year sounds good on paper, but can be a little challenging to put into practice.   January can feel packed with demands, expectations and a call to kick-off something, anything new. Hope and excitement energy feels invigorating, and is a nice shift to help inspire your creative heart. The same energy can also scatter your attention, especially when it’s blended with an underlying sense of urgency … [Read more...]

View Creative Challenges as Opportunities to Find Intuitive Solutions and Healing

  It’s inherently human to strive to solve creative challenges. The discomfort, fear, irritation and “not knowing” energy drives you to find answers to what you see as “problems.”   But what if those "problems" are the key to you understanding yourself on a deeper level, as well as the key to unlocking the creative gifts hiding on the other side? In other words, what if they aren’t problems at all, but opportunities to expand into deeper emotional … [Read more...]