Share an Insight from your Creative Path to Inspire Someone Else

creative path, clarity, insight,


The creative path you walk is part of your unique, natural self-expression and a very powerful ally in the self-discovery process. To create is to grow as a person, and to grow as a person you need to be willing to really explore if what you create feels natural and true. This is how your creativity and inner self continue to evolve, hand-in-hand through self discovery.


As you move along in life, dancing the line between deeper creative expression and self-discovery, there are bumps. Distractions. Unknown limiting patterns that hold you back and people who are less than supportive. It’s nothing personal – it’s just a natural part of the creative path of self-discovery.


That’s why insights from the creative path of another can be so powerful and heart-opening. These little shared bits of experience are the human aspects that connect us and serve as a motivation to keep on creating.


 mind body spirit, self discovery


Effortlessly Relating Through Mind, Body and Spirit


When you can relate to another through a shared feeling, experience, background or passion, there’s something that happens within you. Creative energy clicks on and ignites. Areas that felt small or lonely open up and become less scary. Confidence in yourself and abilities grow, and stepping into the darkness where creativity is born feels inviting instead of terrifying.


This feeling of connection and camaraderie through personal experience is effortless and gentle. You and the another person joined through creative sharing may notice an immediate sense of knowing and understanding that feels like the absolute truth. And the best part – it’s happening through an inner clarity and natural energetic connection born out of humanity and heart.


If you are the one receiving insight, you may experience a sudden “ah-ha” thought or understanding, or feel a sense of calm at hearing a truth you’ve always known but couldn’t quite see.


The give and take flow of this process is so intuitive and natural that many people don’t even realize its happened until after the fact. It doesn’t even need to happen with someone you know well or stays in your life. All you need is a shared moment of exchange to light the torch of clarity. What you do with the insight after that is up to you.


That’s the beauty of heart-centered exchange along the creative path!


clarity, be yourself


Spread Creative Support By Being Yourself


The other side of sharing your insights is the ability to be self-aware of your sharing process. When you choose to toss out a bit of wisdom from your creative path, it’s best received when it happens naturally as part of your own self-expression. Living the truth of who you are draws people to you, making them curious. When that curiosity transforms into openness, then you have an invitation to share.


On the other hand, when you force creative advice by making it into more of a lecture it’s a very out-of-balance exchange. In fact, it’s really another way of trying to validate your own creative worth from an external source. This is ego talking and feels forceful instead of helpful.


If you know someone you would like to support and reflect a deeper truth for, but they seem a bit closed off, just show up. Be yourself, really listen to your heart and tune into “right timing” to sprinkle insight like a bit of fairy dust. When a person is ready to see, hear and feel what your natural creative expression is reflecting, they’ll get the right bit of insight for their creative path, loud and clear.


Do you feel like you need a bit of creative reflection to help light up your creative path? I would love to listen. Want to dive in and do a little extra work yourself, but need some fresh perspective? Check out my Mini Guide for Connecting with your Inner Guidance and Creative Fire.

Photo credit: Javier Morales, Karen, Chase Elliott Clark