Focus Before Fire Turns Creativity into an Unstoppable Force

focus, creativity, passion, flame, transformation, creative katrina


There is no denying that creativity is a force that runs on passion and inspiration, two energies that can be hard to focus. Taking these two aspects and transforming them into something that can live in the 3D world is a true magical act, like turning water into wine. It’s part of why our creative abilities can be so mysterious – even to ourselves! 


Each project, concept, collaboration, hobby, personal connection or idea scribbled into the margins of a journal is a beginning expression of creativity in its rawest form. The energy of each “potential” feels amazing when we allow ourselves to dream about how far each one can reach. When possibilities feel so freeing and open, it’s easy to see creative energy as a wild card with no boundaries, no limits. This is perfect for brainstorming, coming up with innovative inventions and for seeing beyond the physical into possibilities in the ether.


Yet, there comes a time when the potency of creativity begins to dim because it doesn’t have a true focus, even if that focus is pure play.


The true art of any creative expression is being able to focus it into something tangible that inspires, teaches, or helps others, or acts as a force for change in some small way while bringing us playful joy in the process. This balance is where everyone wins and we feel like our self expression (and we) matter.


And the way to bring our creative voice to this level of power starts with being able to focus it clearly before we blast it full force with our passion.


Taking What Inspires Us, Then Putting Passion and Focused Fire Behind It


focus, creativity, tea light candles, flame, transform, fire, inspiration


There is a balance between playfulness and work, a free flow of ideas and a focused plan. These pieces are opposites that offer us the chance to practice alchemy and transform a piece of our creative heart into something real that honors all aspects of bringing an idea into form. 


To give creativity a bit of initial focus, ask yourself:

  • Do I love this idea?
  • Are there tangible steps to help this idea become real? What are they?
  • Do I have the resources I need and if not, can I get them?


These simple questions offer a bit of focus and insight on how bad we really want to pursue something beyond an idea stage. They are important to clarify before we spend time and energy on taking them further.


To then transform inspirations into an unstoppable creative force, practice these tips:

  • Take a day for yourself and live out your dream morning. Then, spend the rest of the day doing nothing but brainstorming about life balance, work, relationships and desires. This refills your inner cup with some self-love and attention, and allows space and time to connect with your heart in a deeper way. In our busy everyday life it can be hard to hear the whisper of our heart above the chaos until we make room.
  • Pick two ideas that are the most interesting right now, and create a simple plan of action for each. When you are done, put both plans away for 24 hours. See which one feels more in alignment with what would bring you joy.
  • List your top three fears about a project, and balance it with three specific reasons why it’s worth doing anyway.
  • Create a progress deadline each week to keep things moving. Instead of thinking of a big picture deadline for completion that will stress you out or encourage procrastination, choose a consistent path that sets you up for success and leaves you feeling accomplished weekly. Then set up a simple reward for yourself each week as an incentive.


As we all adjust to a new season in our own parts of the world, the shift brings us full circle to one thing – knowing what we want to create on the deepest level and how it empowers us. Take a moment to think about ways to focus your raw talent and turn it into an unstoppable force for transformation during the spring or any season! 


To check out another post on a similar topic, read Focus on Small Tweaks to Break Creative Ground. Want a little support? Connect with me for an intuitive reading to help kick-off your new creative season. For more insights on how to tap into your inner wisdom and deepen self-discovery, check out my podcast, Flirting With Enlightenment.