Creativity and the Inner Boss

Creativity and the inner boss. When paired together these concepts seem to be total opposites, pushing against each other’s efforts in a way that ends in a stand-off with no winner. Yet, this dynamic duo can definitely be a powerful pair, if they join forces for the greater good - you. The inner boss is not the ego (although it can certainly be bossy), but the way you manage yourself. Do you go full-steam into something, only to get bored towards the end and let things come to a thud? Do you … [Read more...]

Is there a Creative Success Formula?

Is there a creative success formula? A series of steps that when done, to the letter, will create abundance, acknowledgement and happiness? It’s a big question with a simple answer -- yes and no. The bigger question is what is creative success to you, and what are you willing to do, or not do, to move towards it? The Fantasy of “Making It” Let’s get real; we each have our own fantasy of what “making it” looks and feels like if money were no object. This type of prompt helps you break free from … [Read more...]

How Personal Values Can Block Creativity

Ever take a moment to think about your personal values? Where they came from and how they influence you? How your unique guidance system came into being and if it’s really serving you? Despite knowing what your values feel like to you, it can be extremely eye-opening to clearly define them and discover how they can sometimes quietly block your creativity under the radar. By definition, personal values are the core beliefs, concepts and philosophies you hold about life, its purpose and your … [Read more...]

Change your Venue, Change your Creative View

Ever feel like life is just OK? Not good, not bad but just...OK? No spark? Routine-driven? Bland? It’s part of the human journey of course, (life can’t glide at a roller-coaster pace every day), but it’s important to realize when the routine takes over, creativity is diminished by assumed expectations and a slew of mediocre results that rarely change. So you don’t either. And then you become attached to the dependable results because, they’re, well...dependable. Life as usual is good for the … [Read more...]

Is a Hidden Desire to Conform Keeping your Creative Fire Small?

As much as we want to stand out and be seen as individuals, we also desire to stand together as part of a community; feeling welcomed, supported and accepted (in some shape or form). This sentiment is by no means earth shattering, but here’s the tricky part; sometimes our hidden desire to connect with others really is silently guiding us to conform, keeping our creative fire small. This may lead us to make choices to fit in or try to make future decisions based on what we feel will be accepted … [Read more...]

Why Creative Gratitude is Essential for Healing Creative Blocks

Creative gratitude is more than feeling appreciation for the AH-mazing creative insight you got in your dream last night or the “light bulb” moment that smashed into your brain while you were in the shower. I’m talking about a deep, conscious way of living that you carry with you in all you do, aware and grateful of how each experience or encounter (and subsequent reaction) shapes your life in a creative way. That shitty thing that happened yesterday? Turn it into a blog post that takes your … [Read more...]

Diminishing Creative Gains? Time for a Gut Check

Every creative has experienced a period of diminishing creative gains. You know what I mean -- it feels like you are producing a product or a result more than creating something beautiful from the heart, and it can start to weigh on you. Clients have needs (and demands) and since they are paying, they get first priority (says your mind). So when the line of creative joy and obligation are fully intertwined and your creative twinkle is waning, it’s time to hit pause and do a gut check. Stress, … [Read more...]

Creative Exploration Starts with the Heart

  The year 2013 has a new rhythm to it; lighter, more flowy and heart-centered. Open. Inspiring. Transitional. It’s cracking the door open to fresh perspectives and ideas, while old ways of thinking and doing are slowly sneaking out the back door in the early morning light. And at times, if can feel a bit like working through a hangover. I spent much of December last year taking time to let go of countless outdated ideas and ways of thinking that I realized were more like old … [Read more...]

Sweet New Firey Look for Creative Katrina

Yes... it's been a long time since you've read my ramblings. As much as I wanted to write and share, the words were not a-flowin', and my new website design was trapped in mid-content migration like a cheerleader in a perpetual split over a fast-moving stream. Try as I might to create new content or finalize the technical elements of my new site, alas, it not meant to be in 2012. So here we are, 2013 already in progress. Please check around the new diggs and tell me what you think. I'm … [Read more...]

Tear Up Inner Permission Slips and Get your Creativity On

Photo by reallyboring I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before in previous posts, but it bears repeating -- creativity is a way of being, not a specific talent. It’s how you show up in the world and connect with others as much as it’s about what you physically create through work or artistic expression. As we move through life we transform how we create; sometimes becoming freer and more comfortable in our own skin (the ultimate goal, at least for me, anyway) or taking experiences of pain, … [Read more...]